Influence of Selective Deposition of CeO2 and CuO on Surface MWCNTs Walls on the Activity, Selectivity and Stability in the PROX Reaction

Dayana Sánchez, Amanda Garcez, Fabio Souza Toniolo and Martin Schmal*

In the present study, we synthesized catalysts based on CuO2 and CeO2 on pretreated MWCNT (Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes) support. The metallic oxides were selectively deposited (on internal and/or external surfaces of the MWCNT) by wet impregnation. The CeO2/CNT@CuO, CuO/CNT@CeO2 and CuO-CeO2/CNT@CeO2 catalysts (which means “external component”/CNT@“internal component”) were tested in the PROX reaction. We studied the selective introduction of the CuO and CeO2 nanostructures in and outside the CNT (carbon nanotubes) walls and their influence on the activity, selectivity and stability in the PROX reaction. Characterizations showed that it was possible to drive selectively the deposition of the metallic oxides to one of the MWCNTs surface. Results showed that the activity does not depend whether metallic oxides are internally or externally located on the MWCNTs walls. There are no sintering or interaction of metal oxides. The catalysts reached high conversions 65-70% and are very stable for long time. The CNT contribute

Published on: January 06, 2021
doi: 10.17756/acce.2020-004
Citation: Sánchez D, Garcez A, Toniolo FS, Schmal M. 2020. Influence of Selective Deposition of CeO2 and CuO on Surface MWCNTs Walls on the Activity, Selectivity and Stability in the PROX Reaction. J Appl Cat Chem Eng 1(1): 17-28.
