Quantitative Comparison of Zeolite Addition to Iron-Based Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in a Separate vs Mixed Reactor Bed Setup

Avinashkumar V. Karre* and Alaa H. Kababji
The delta quantities of gas and liquid products, rate of water-gas-shift and Fischer-Tropsch reactions are studied using iron (Fe) based Fischer-Tropsch (FT) catalysts promoted with metals such as Mo, Cu, and K supported on activated carbon (AC) along with ZSM-5 catalyst in a separate and a mixed bed reactor bed arrangement to investigate the benefits of bed arrangements. The delta amounts of different products are compared for the fixed amount of the base catalyst and the ZSM-5 amount is varied between 25, 50, and 100%. The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively compare both the beds to find out whether there is any improvement in the product distribution by changing the bed arrangement. The delta values are generally positive in the separate bed indicating a higher activity towards lower chain, isomers, and aromatic molecules compared to mixed bed arrangement. The delta values of alcohols are generally negative indicating that the ZSM-5 catalyst and the base catalyst have reduced their activities in the mixed bed arrangement. In addition, the base catalyst and ZSM-5 in the mixed bed showed a reduction in activity mainly due to metal migration of the base catalyst to ZSM-5 and coke formation on ZSM-5.

Published on: December 18, 2020
doi: 10.17756/acce.2020-03
Citation: Karre AV and Kababji AH. 2020. Quantitative Comparison of Zeolite Addition to Iron-Based Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in a Separate vs Mixed Reactor Bed Setup. J Appl Cat Chem Eng 1(1): 11-16.
